Joseph L. Akerman, Photography
Los Angeles, California

The Road

Please scroll down to enter the Summer 2020 Gallery.

Tortured Land #3

"Tortured Land #3"

tundra #7

"Tundra #7"

Kodama #1

"Kodama #1"

(Japanese Tree Spirit)

You Lookin' at Me?

"You Lookin' at Me?"

Dragon Waking

"Dragon Waking"

Worm Tracks #3

"Worm Tracks #3"



Tundra #9

"Tundra #9"

Forest Fire

"Forest Fire"

Shadow Sky

"Shadow Sky"

Untitled #9

"Untitled #9"

Worm Tracks #7

"Worm Tracks #7"

Wave Rider

"Wave Rider"

Kiss Kiss

"Kiss Kiss"

Day of the Dead

"Dia de Los Muertos"

Planes of Existence

"Planes of Existence"

Art Humor #18R

"Art Humor #18R"

Crazy Sparrow Thinks it's a Hawk

"Crazy Sparrow Thinks It's a Hawk"

The Road

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This website and all photographs herein are copyrighted.
Joseph L. Akerman, 2010 - 2023.
All Rights Reserved.